Revised Works

As most of my creativity this year has been spent on my book, The Music of James MacMillan, I haven't found the time to compose much, in fact nothing really. I did, however, find the time to revise four early choral works of mine from 2005-2010 which I felt were in need of a bit of love and attention. The four works were mainly from the beginning of my time in Oxford (and earlier): O magnum mysterium (2005), Three Marian Motets (2008), Whither Thou Goest (2008) and God is Our Strength and Refuge (2010). Most of the revisions I made were minor and cosmetic including some word underlay, swapping parts and a general tidy up. I made a bigger change to the middle of Whither Thou Goest as the syncopations had never made any sense. Previous versions of these pieces are still fine to perform from, but the newer versions are a bit better. PAC


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