Phillip is often interviewed on the radio or in other media

Recent Interviews and Articles

  • Interview for 'Meet the Artist'

    I was recently interviewed by pianist and classical music blogger Frances Wilson, for the ‘Meet the Artist’ website. Amongst other things you can find out about my useless football team and clandestine beginnings in alternative rock.

  • The Music of Phillip Cooke (Jonathan Clinch)

    As I write, the media are in a frenzy of discussion about the lockdown activities in Downing Street and what may or may not be in the ‘party-gate’ report of the civil servant, Sue Gray. In the absence of any actual knowledge of the report’s contents, a symphony of speculation has developed on the theme of political integrity. Surrounded by this current noise whilst trying to get to the heart of the composer Phillip Cooke, his own honesty and modesty seems to leap out.

  • Meet the Composer: Phillip Cooke

    The Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis performed in this year’s Choral Evensong BBC broadcast were written by Phillip Cooke. We asked him a bit more about his process and what inspires him to write.

  • Phillip Cooke: New Music (Shirley Ratcliffe)

    It was never Phillip Cooke’s intention to study music. He studied for a BA at Durham University to ‘placate his parents who wanted me to have a university education. I intended to return to the Lake District and do something more prosaic.’ When he was young, Cooke learned the piano but gave it up to play football - he’s an Everton supporter. Then at the age of 16 he realised how interested he was in music and began formal lessons with Ian Hare.

  • Interview on BBC Radio Cumbria (May 2009)

    An interview with me from 2009 on BBC Radio Cumbria. Here I discuss my forthcoming residency at the Lake District Summer Music Festival, working with the Orlando Consort and my time as Junior Research Fellow at The Queen’s College, Oxford University.