Catalogue of Compositions
Phillip’s music is strongly influenced by his native Lake District and by history. His main musical influences are found in continuing and reconciling a pastoral British tradition.
Veni Sancte Spiritus (2012)
Veni Sancte Spiritus is a simple setting of this Pentecost Antiphon. The choir sing in restrained homophony for the most part, but spread into full multi-part ecstasy for key moments in the text.
Preces and Responses [second set] (2012)
My second setting of the Preces and Responses treads a similar path to the first with the material all being based on the opening response.
Three Partsongs (2008-12, rev. 2024)
The Three Partsongs are simple settings for unaccompanied choir and are part of an ongoing set, taking their influence from the Romantic idea of the partsong, often taking its inspiration from nature and other Romantic notions.
Second Service [Eton College] (2012)
My Second Service treads a similar path to the first setting of 2009, though perhaps this one is a little more expansive and goes to greater length to stress sensual, mystical elements.
O Sacrum Convivium (2012)
O Sacrum Convivium is a setting of the famous text of St Thomas Aquinas expressing the profound mysteries of the Eucharistic miracle.